There are many different reasons that businesses decide to purchase commercial property in Pennsylvania. They typically purchase the property for specific purposes. They may need to have a warehouse in a certain location, they may need a new office, a larger facility to for production or manufacturing of their product and many other reasons. When deciding to purchase, there are many things they will look for like the size, location, cost and other aspects of the building.
These decisions are very important and companies take the decisions very seriously. They may take a long time and do their due diligence in finding the building. Eventually they may find what seems to be the perfect location. However, before companies make the final decision one important part of the process that may be overlooked is the zoning regulations. These regulations may prohibit the company from using the building for their intended purposes.
Basics of zoning regulations
Zoning regulations are set by local governments to designate certain areas for certain purposes. Some areas will be designated residential, some will be commercial and others will be industrial. While these are the basic zones within the zones there will be other regulations. In residential areas there may be restrictions on the height of buildings or the number of dwellings allowed. They can also control the size of parking lots, where structures can be on the property, how many of a certain type of business can be in the area and others.
Companies who do not check zoning regulations in Pennsylvania could find out after a purchase that they cannot use the building or property for its intended purpose. However, learning that a building or property is not zoned for the intended use does not necessarily mean that they are out of options. Companies may be able to challenge the regulation or seek a special allowance to use the building for their intended use even though the regulation may not allow it. This can be a complicated process though and consulting with experienced attorneys could be beneficial.