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Risk of injury and death varies by occupation

On Behalf of | Jul 7, 2014 | Workers' Compensation

Pennsylvania workers may wonder what jobs are associated with the most risk and how much individuals are compensated to do them. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has provided data that answers this question.

Some jobs are inherently more dangerous than others. The BLS says that the ratio of fatal work injuries for all jobs was 3.2 per 100,000 in 2012, and the total number of fatalities was 4,628. The authors of a recent article about injuries in the workplace outlined the five riskiest occupations and the salaries workers can expect in these jobs.

The highest fatality rate is in the fishing industry with 117 deaths per 100,000 workers. The median salary is $36,840, and nonfatal injuries total at about 49,000. The least number of fatal workplace injuries on the list was in the construction industry with 17.4 per 100,000. The most common cause was trips, slips and falls. They had the highest number of nonfatal injuries at around 183,000. The median pay is $35,020.

In the three other groups, fatalities are highest among airplane pilots and flight engineers at 53.4. The median salary is $129,600. Truck drivers and sales drivers have a fatality rate of 22.1 and earn a median salary of $27,530 and $40,940 respectively with about 65,000 injuries. Farm workers earn a median pay of $73,210 with a fatality rate of 21.3.

Pennsylvania workers are employed in all these occupations. Whether an occupation is risky or not, workers may be eligible for workers’ compensation if they are injured on the job. If a worker has a fatal accident in the workplace, their family may be entitled to benefits. An attorney may help a worker or their family understand their rights and file their claim.

Source: Wall St. Cheat Sheet, “Price of Risk: How Well Do the 5 Most Dangerous Jobs Pay?”, Erika Rawes, June 28, 2014
