In a case that may interest workers in Pennsylvania and other states, the surviving family members of a construction professional in Texas sued several contractors for gross negligence after the man plunged to his death. According to reports, the accident occurred while the 28-year-old was working on a stadium renovation project at Texas A&M University. Reports failed to specify how the man fell, and it remains unknown whether his own actions could have contributed to the accident.
The sum requested in the family’s workplace injury lawsuit was not disclosed. Their civil action also targets a demolition company that directly employed the man and a number of additional companies.
A spokesperson for the construction contractor failed to comment on the lawsuit, claiming that they were unaware of it. The man left behind a mother and two children, aged six and seven. It is unknown whether the woman has a job of her own or how she’ll manage to take care of the minors. It is believed that an investigation into the incident will conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other agencies.
Workplace accidents can result in severe injury or death, and both outcomes have critical effects on families. These indirect victims may lose significant amounts of regular income, and some find that their tragic losses play negative roles in their lives for years by increasing their debts and reducing their ability to maintain property. It is not clear whether the family members had originally considered filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits before initiating the negligence lawsuit.
Source: USA Today, “Family of worker killed in Kyle Field fall suing construction company“, December 23, 2013