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Fall in well leads to injury

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2013 | Firm News

Residents of Pennsylvania may be interested to know that emergency fire and paramedic crews rescued a man from a well at a construction site in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, on April 12, 2013. The incident occurred when a 19-year-old construction worker slipped and fell while working in the well about 30 feet below ground level. The worker was at the 30-foot level of a 70-foot deep well at the time of the injury. The well opening was approximately 4 feet wide. The slip and fall led to a workplace injury preventing the construction worker from exiting the well under his own power.

Two paramedics went down the well to treat the man for back injuries. Other first responders rigged a tripod and winch apparatus to serve as a crane over the well. The worker was then placed in a basket and winched to the surface with the tripod crane. 

The injuries were not considered serious and the worker was treated at the scene by paramedics before being transferred to a medical facility for observation and possible further treatment. There were no injuries reported among the first responders at the scene.

Workplace injuries can happen quickly at a construction site. In many cases, the injury may result from something as simple as slip and fall. Attorneys who are familiar with workers’ compensation cases may be able to help injured workers seek compensation for medical expenses associated with the accident as well as lost wages from missed work. These compensations may be critical for the workers and their families to maintain their lives and homes.

Source: CBSDC, “Injured Construction Worker Rescued from 30-foot Well,” April 12, 2013 
